
Nurturing growth from within requires a dedicated coaching and development plan. Companies that employ effective “Leadership Development” programs mitigate the risk of employing “less than effective” leaders resulting in accelerated organizational growth. The team at Advatix Global HR deliver a world class, customizable LD course that ranges from a foundational 3 session course to the year long Master Leader program.

Leadership Development Program

A customizable course that begins with “Making the Transition to the Leadership Role” and builds on that foundation. You can choose the full course or select specific sessions that are focused on your team and their development

Leadership Development Sessions

A Day in the Life of a Leader Management By Walking Around (MBWA) The Head and Heart Coach Extreme Ownership The Rules of Engagement The Delegation 8 Simple Rules for Culture Maximum Performance and more

The 5 Factor Dynamic™

A proprietary Organizational Diagnostic tool that provides assessment and solutions for you and your team as they lead their teams.

Compensation Programs

One size fits all compensation structures rarely maximize results. Our Experts will work with you to design “Comp Structures” that fit your specific needs and drive results.

Performance Evaluations

Effective performance evaluations drive results and your teams thrive on having clearly defined expectations. Our suite of Performance Evals encompass the entire employee life cycle and help you take the manage results

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